Friday, 18 July 2014


Being on the verge of having so many enormous changes in my life isn't easy.

(School is Out by Regina Spektor) 

I'm pretty sure that most people experience this: the end of high school comes and, all of a sudden, you're an adult and have to make responsible, life-changing choices. Bam.

In my country, at such a young age, we're expected to choose our college degree and, probably, what we're going to do for the next 40 or 50 years. That's the way most people see it, and the worst problem is that, during high school, we are in no way prepared to make such a difficult choice.

Personally, I had made my mind up before high school, unlike the majority of my friends. I haven't changed it ever since. Despite that, I am still scared. I'm scared of giving in to the pressure and not becoming as successful as I want to be. I'm scared of losing everything I'm used to take for granted, my comfort zone. I'm scared of not being good enough. It's all coming too fast, and it seems like everything is so unpredictable!

However, I've figured out a few things that I would like to share with anyone who might be in a similar situation!

1. This is YOUR life. You decide what you want to do and it's no one else's business. Stand up to anyone who tells you otherwise.
2. Nothing is absolutely permanent. You are allowed to change your mind in the process of building yourself. You can choose to take a step back and choose a different direction later on!
3. You are good enough. Everyone is good enough. We all have strengths that we must know and explore.
4. Working is the key to success. I know everyone says that, but it's true. I like to believe every dream can be achieved, even if it's a hard one, with a lot of hard work, dedication and motivation! No one gets far in life by standing by all the time...
5. You can tell how you feel. This should probably be the first item on my list, but oh well. It doesn't make you weak to admit you're having trouble figuring out what you want, or that you're scared of the future. It's also good to hear some feedback from people you trust: they might understand and/or help you.

Do you have any more items for this list? Opinions are always welcome!



  1. Did you just graduate! Yes, this transition is not easy but it is good! I am confident God has wonderful plans for you and he will reveal them to you! For me the hardest transition was college to the corporate world! AH! lol. What are you thinking next (even if you don't know) I would love to help you process through it!
