Monday, 25 August 2014

Roadtrip to Italy, Part One

On the 7th August, my parents, my sister and I embarked on a journey we will never forget: a roadtrip from Portugal to Italy!

We woke up pretty early, put our bags in the trunk of the car, and drove away from our beloved hometown in direction to Italy. No words can describe how excited I felt for this trip!

The first day was when we drove the most; we only stopped near sunset in the beautiful, sunny village of Biarritz, France. The beach was amazing, lots of people were surfing, sunbathing or playing in the water, and I could feel this summer-y joy in the air!

The next day, we visited two very different cities, both very fascinating: Carcassonne and Arles.

the cathedral of Carcassonne

Carcassonne is a medieval city; in fact, part of it is surrounded by an enormous wall. Inside this part (the Cité), there are sword fights, a museum about torture instruments and horses pulling carts. There's an old castle and the beautiful cathedral in the picture, and being there felt like diving into a history book or traveling back in time, despite the enormous number of tourists!

In the afternoon, we proceeded to visit Arles, another little town where Van Gogh used to live. It was lovely! The streets were very colourful and full of people; street musicians played in every corner, and people were returning home with grocery bags and baguettes. It was a very artsy place, which made me feel really inspired!

This is only the first part of my trip; I will write about the rest the next few days!
Thank you, once again, for taking your time to read my blog!



  1. Italy is such a gorgeous country. I've never been there myself but my brother and a few friends have made it there and the pictures are enough to make me swoon. I'm sure it was an amazing trip.

    1. It was indeed! More pics are coming soon :)
